Surf the entire site safely and shop securely at his online store for piano CDs, MP3 downloads, and sheet music.
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Many selections are also available as sheet music pdf downloads. Pure Imagination From Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory - Digital Sheet Music Price: 5. He has five solo acoustic piano music CDs currently available. The incredible sound and video quality by Forte Pure Audio is a game-changer for music teachers, students, and musicians in comparison to other existing. He is a pianist, composer, and arranger based in Southern California who is also a clinical psychologist and professor. Home Apps Music & Audio Piano Piano 7.4 3 Reviews 1. Thank you for visiting, the official Jeff Bjorck website featuring his signature “quiet music to calm the heart in a noisy world.” In addition to original compositions, Bjorck’s music features his unique arrangements of classic hymns and Christmas Carols. Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the. Jeff’s Pure Piano Music has been drawing avid listeners from around the world for the last 13 years, thanks to an Internet that makes music globally accessible. “My aim through my music is to reach into people’s hearts and give them a touch of love and peace in the name of Jesus Christ, in the same way that we give someone a cup of cold water.” ~~Jeff Bjorck, as quoted in the June 2002 issue of Charisma Magazine. The sonic results provide listeners with music suitable for many occasions, from intimate holiday gatherings to Sunday morning preludes to personal times of nostalgic reflection.